Fitness Tests commence across Pakistan under PCB chairman's directive

Under the direction of PCB Chairman Mohsin Naqvi, a significant initiative to improve the fitness standards of cricketers has commenced across Pakistan. This campaign, which started in Lahore, is now expanding to the district level. Players must pass these fitness tests to participate in the upcoming inter-district tournament. During the trials, four specific tests are used to assess the players' fitness levels.

Chairman Naqvi has also announced that additional tests will be introduced at the regional level, further extending this effort. Only those players who successfully pass these stringent tests will be eligible for the fitness camps. In the inter-district tournament, 22 players have been selected based on their performance, and they will receive specialized training in fielding, fitness, and technique in the upcoming camps.

Over the next 45 days, 101 training camps will be established nationwide. This is the first time in the country's history that fitness camps are being organized at the district level, highlighting the PCB's commitment to prioritizing fitness. Chairman Naqvi stressed the importance of maintaining high fitness standards at all levels, with regular fitness trials to ensure transparency and merit.

He stated, "Fitness is the top priority, and there will be fitness trials at every level. Practical measures are being taken to ensure complete transparency and merit in the fitness trials and camps. The series of fitness trials will continue regularly."

 All cricketers, including test and international players, must pass all fitness tests, such as the Yo-Yo test.
