I want to explore T10 cricket in Pakistan too: Ramiz Raja

Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chairman Ramiz Raja wants T10 cricket to be explored in the country.

The former captain has already vowed to hold the Women's and U19 Pakistan Super League (PSL) in future but he wants cricket's shortest format to also take place in Pakistan.

Ramiz is keen to take PCB forward in three ways: Organisational excellence, cricket excellence and commercial excellence.

"Viewing organisational excellence, we brought new Chief Executive, a charetered accountant and his track record is superb," Ramiz said in a video released by the PCB.

"Second is cricket excellence and we are pushing very hard hence you can see performances of the nationa team. Third is commercial excellence which is based on our properties, junior PSL, women's PSL, i want T10 to be explored in Pakistan too," he added.

It must be noted that T10 league takes place in United Arab Emirates (UAE). It was first held in 2017 and five seasons have taken place since the launch.
