Rohit Sharma opens up about retirement plans ahead of T20 World Cup 2024

Indian skipper Rohit Sharma opened about his future plans, particularly regarding his retirement and captaincy goals in an interview with Dubai Eye 103.8.

Despite his illustrious 17-year career, Sharma expressed a desire to extend his time on the cricketing stage, aiming to make a lasting impact on the global cricketing landscape.

Reflecting on his unexpected journey to captaincy, Sharma acknowledged the immense honor it entails, emphasizing his disbelief at the prospect earlier in his career.

“The journey has been wonderful, it has been 17 years; I still hope to play a few more years as well & make an impact in world cricket,” Rohit told Dubai Eye 103.8.

“Captaining your country is the biggest honour that you can have, and for me, I have never thought that this would arrive where I'll be captaining one day. But yeah, people say good things happen to good people,” he added.

Transitioning to his leadership philosophy, Sharma underscored the importance of collective effort over individual accolades. As captain, his primary objective remains steering the team towards a unified vision, prioritizing team success over personal milestones.

“When I took over as India Captain, I just wanted everyone to drive in one direction that's how the team sport should be played, it's not about personal milestones & personal stats & goals, it is about what all 11 of us can bring to the table & win the trophy,” Rohit said.

“I have seen more downs than ups in my life, and the human and person I am today is because of what I have seen in the past, and in the downs,” he added.
