
Ricky Ponting offers key tips to South Africa ahead of T20 World Cup final

Ponting stressed the importance of enjoying the lead-up to the final while maintaining a consistent routine

Ricky Ponting offers key tips to South Africa ahead of T20 World Cup final PHOTO: FILE

Former Australian captain Ricky Ponting has offered advice to the South African cricket team as they prepare to face India in the T20 World Cup 2024 final on June 29 at the Kensington Oval in Barbados. 

This is a historic moment for South Africa, marking their first appearance in a World Cup final after eight previous attempts, including a recent semi-final loss to Australia in the ODI World Cup 2023.

Ponting, who led Australia to World Cup victories in 2003 and 2007, as well as Champions Trophy wins in 2006 and 2007, encouraged the South African team to embrace the significance of the final rather than downplaying it.

"A lot of teams say 'It's just another game' and they try and hide away from how big the occasion is and it is no good doing that. it is all about embracing it for what it is," Ponting said on ICC’s Digital Daily Show. 

Ponting stressed the importance of enjoying the lead-up to the final while maintaining a consistent routine. 

"These players haven't been there before, so enjoy tonight, enjoy tomorrow. But make sure everything you do leading in is the same and your preparation is the same,” he further added. 

Praising South Africa’s performance in the T20 World Cup 2024, Ponting advised them to stay true to themselves and maintain the same level of performance that has brought them to the final.

"They are undefeated up to here, so they don't need to change anything and they don't need to try any harder. They just need to turn up and be the best version of themselves and the best version of themselves as a team on the day and give themselves the best chance. If they do that, they will be hard to beat," he concluded.