
Ali Zafar's melodic presence expected to elevate PSL 9 anthem

Ali Zafar's choice for PSL season nine anthem stirred controversy, with objections from a female franchise official

Ali Zafar's melodic presence expected to elevate PSL 9 anthem PHOTO: FILE

The possibility of Ali Zafar's voice resonating in the upcoming HBL Pakistan Super League (PSL) has become apparent; there has been a dramatic change in the situation with the departure of Zaka Ashraf.

According to details, Ali Zafar sang the songs for the initial three seasons of the HBL PSL. In 2018, he faced allegations of harassment by fellow singer Meesha Shafi, which severely impacted his career. Since then, he has not been given the opportunity to sing the anthem for the PSL again.

Ali could not be proven guilty, but a stain was cast that could not be cleared despite extensive efforts. PCB recorded three anthems for the 9th season of the Pakistan Super League (PSL) in Ali Zafar's voice. One of them was selected. However, when the PSL franchise received the matter, a female official raised objections.

She expressed the view that it would be inappropriate to reintegrate Ali Zafar into the league in light of past events, as it could have a negative impact. By making this a basis, the board had changed its intention to assign the project to Ali Zafar. Zaka Ashraf did not sign the agreement, but now with the departure of the Chairman of the Management Committee, the situation seems to be changing.

Present authorities believe that as Ali Zafar has not been proven guilty, there is no hindrance to affording him an opportunity. The situation is expected to become more apparent in the days ahead.